We invite you to come and worship with us at Upper Octorara. Here is some information to help you know what to expect.
We have one worship service that begins at 10:30am. The worship style is blended with both traditional and contemporary elements. The nursery is available for little ones from birth to 3 years old during the service.
Communion is usually served on the first Sunday of each month. Due to our covid precautions, we are handing out individual, prepackaged cups of grape juice and bread.
Sunday School classes for all ages meet September through May at 9:30 a.m.
During the summer months, we have a time of fellowship and refreshments in the narthex.
We do not have a dress code. Some people come in suits, while others prefer more casual attire. All are welcome.
When you come to Upper Octorara, please enter through one of the doors at the main entrance (where the columns are). A ramp and automatic door are available. Greeters inside will welcome you and be glad to help you find where you need to go. If they are occupied, please ask anyone. We are a friendly church family and will be happy to meet you and be of assistance.
Note: Upper Octorara Presbyterian Church is a peanut-free environment.